My inspiration was the 2009 New York Triathlon. All those people doing the unthinkable—specifically, jumping into the Hudson River. It just grossed me out. That water must be super toxic; I expected to find them glowing as they emerged from their swim.

Instead, I saw myself. Not then, not now, but soon. And I started thinking...

You see, I am not an athlete. Never have been. Most of my adult life I have been five or ten pounds away from the perfect weight. Two pregnancies sixteen months apart did not make matters any better. Hey, I love my little guys and treasure all the gifts they bestow upon me. Do I love what bringing them into the world did to my body? No, I do not!

So, I am keeping a journal of my adventure and sharing all that I learn along the way. Hey, I can even contribute some useful information. You see, I am a health coach. I already know some stuff...

Friday, November 13, 2009

My inspiration was the 2009 New York Triathlon. All those people doing the unthinkable—specifically, jumping into the Hudson River. It just grossed me out. That water must be super toxic; I expected to find them glowing as they emerged from their swim.

Instead, I saw myself. Not then, not now, but soon. And I started thinking...

You see, I am not an athlete. Never have been. Most of my adult life I have been five or ten pounds away from the perfect weight. Two pregnancies sixteen months apart did not make matters any better. Hey, I love my little guys and treasure all the gifts they bestow upon me. Do I love what bringing them into the world did to my body? No, I do not!

It took me a long time to figure out how to find the time to make it to the gym. There were a few things standing in my way. First off, I hate to exercise. Oh, what the hell—that is THE reason. Making the time for something I hate? Not easy.

One day, in August of 2008, I caught a glance of myself in the mirror and realized that things were heading south. Literally. That week, I went to the gym and got a membership. Matt, my husband, was not so optimistic—he gave me two weeks to land back on the sofa. Proving him wrong was enough of an incentive for me, so I did the only thing I could: I started going to the gym before I was fully awake. I put my clothes, water bottle and iPod out the night before and set the alarm for 4:45AM (yes, AM). It stuck. The following summer, I was still at the gym five days a week, waking myself up to to the groovy tunes of the Bee Gees, as I warmed up on the treadmill.

Until the New York Triathlon.

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