My inspiration was the 2009 New York Triathlon. All those people doing the unthinkable—specifically, jumping into the Hudson River. It just grossed me out. That water must be super toxic; I expected to find them glowing as they emerged from their swim.

Instead, I saw myself. Not then, not now, but soon. And I started thinking...

You see, I am not an athlete. Never have been. Most of my adult life I have been five or ten pounds away from the perfect weight. Two pregnancies sixteen months apart did not make matters any better. Hey, I love my little guys and treasure all the gifts they bestow upon me. Do I love what bringing them into the world did to my body? No, I do not!

So, I am keeping a journal of my adventure and sharing all that I learn along the way. Hey, I can even contribute some useful information. You see, I am a health coach. I already know some stuff...

Saturday, November 21, 2009

I am massively affected by blood sugar fluctuations (Matt will concur), and now the lack of activity from my injury seems to have the same effect on my mood. Usually, I prefer to avoid altercations, but yesterday I yelled at the front desk girl at the hotel, called a cabby several select and imaginative names, and have just been pissy in general. I desperately need a nice long swim in the pool. The simple act of moving through the water creates a serenity and euphoric happiness that even a stunning pair of stilettos can't seem to bring me these days.

I am still far from being a real swimmer, and any attempts at open water training are in the very distant future. I am thinking of getting a wetsuit and giving the open waters a shot when we go to Florida this December. I have a goal in mind: to stop being deathly afraid of everything in the unknown deep dark depths. Is that seaweed brushing against my toe or a dead body? Maybe a barracuda? I am convinced that death is imminent and panic sets in. My heart beats faster, I lose my breath, and start flailing. Panic attacks are kind of not fun for me, though they probably seem quite amusing to anyone watching from the shore.

So, here is the plan - get in deep and look for floating dead bodies. I think I will be convinced that it's safe only if I find none after looking for two weeks. Unless I do find one. But that's unlikely, right? Right?

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