My inspiration was the 2009 New York Triathlon. All those people doing the unthinkable—specifically, jumping into the Hudson River. It just grossed me out. That water must be super toxic; I expected to find them glowing as they emerged from their swim.

Instead, I saw myself. Not then, not now, but soon. And I started thinking...

You see, I am not an athlete. Never have been. Most of my adult life I have been five or ten pounds away from the perfect weight. Two pregnancies sixteen months apart did not make matters any better. Hey, I love my little guys and treasure all the gifts they bestow upon me. Do I love what bringing them into the world did to my body? No, I do not!

So, I am keeping a journal of my adventure and sharing all that I learn along the way. Hey, I can even contribute some useful information. You see, I am a health coach. I already know some stuff...

Friday, November 20, 2009

I scoured the web for triathlon blogs and message boards until I found someone who was willing to take the time to chat with me. He had just raced in the New York Triathlon and qualified for the Lake Placid Ironman in 2010. He talked about the good, the bad and the ugly of racing in a multisport event. It did sound ugly and bad, but for some crazy reason it turned me on. So, he gave me a basic game plan to start with and wished me luck. With the shape I am in, I'm gonna need all the luck I can get...

And this brings me to the reason for this blog.

A friend lent me a "First Triathlons" book, filled with stories of, well, first triathlons. With each account, I became more and more crestfallen. These were stories of former college track and swim superstars, not beginner athletes. I could not relate to a single one. How was I ever going to measure up, let alone follow? See, it doesn't take much to discourage me.

But screw it! I don't need to place first, second or third. I don't care if I am the last one in, thirty minutes after everyone else has eaten their complimentary fruit and taken a toothy picture with their medal. I just want to limp over the finish line.

So, I am going to keep a journal of my adventure and share all that I learn along the way. Hey, I can even contribute some useful information. You see, I am a health counselor. I already know some stuff. If you hate sports, need inspiration, want to get the flab under control or just lose a few pounds, and find my story worth following, give me a shout. I need you to inspire me as well.


  1. Sandra, triathlon is a great journey. The end result is great training. Along the road, I have made awesome friends, seen great places, have crazy stories to share every day! The mind is our obstacle to doing it! I was 'freaked' about open water swimming, swimming in general was a terrible event. I bought a 'self-coach' book. Total Immersion. I am now swimming past friends who have trained with coaches for years. dont allow your mind to let your fears take over. conquer them and the reward is an amazing treat!

  2. John, my swim class has helped me immensely. I still need to overcome the fear of "the monster beneath," but as far as my form goes, it's getting better every day. I've heard of Total Immersion, or rather the legendary tri coach who created the program. I will check out the book. Thanks!
