My inspiration was the 2009 New York Triathlon. All those people doing the unthinkable—specifically, jumping into the Hudson River. It just grossed me out. That water must be super toxic; I expected to find them glowing as they emerged from their swim.

Instead, I saw myself. Not then, not now, but soon. And I started thinking...

You see, I am not an athlete. Never have been. Most of my adult life I have been five or ten pounds away from the perfect weight. Two pregnancies sixteen months apart did not make matters any better. Hey, I love my little guys and treasure all the gifts they bestow upon me. Do I love what bringing them into the world did to my body? No, I do not!

So, I am keeping a journal of my adventure and sharing all that I learn along the way. Hey, I can even contribute some useful information. You see, I am a health coach. I already know some stuff...

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Nutrition for endurance athletes... Anyone? I looked everywhere and found very little in terms of solid, useful advice. I found a certified Level 2 triathlon coach recommending jelly sandwiches as a recovery food. Among some other healthful suggestions were bagels, muffins and pasta. Hmmm... sugar and white flour? No thanks.

As a homotoxicologist, one of my life's passions is detox. Not the multicolor poop kind that you get after drinking a week's worth of apple cider, lemon juice and olive oil. I am talking about something a bit longer lasting. The kind that cleans your cells and everything around them.

Imagine a three-dimensional spider web with hundreds of spider eggs lodged all over it. Those eggs are your cells and the web is your extracellular matrix (ECM). Your cells communicate and get nutrition and water through ECM. Now think of all the sugar, white flour, preservatives and processed foods sticking in, and clogging up, the ECM. The cellular communication is slower, and the nutrients and water are not getting through as they should. How fast do you think you will run? If you are made of sludge, you perform like sludge... slowly.

Okay. Lecture over.

The plate of greasy, salty french fries seductively calls my name. They are so yummy, melting in my mouth, sending waves of pleasure through my body. Tomorrow's run is still hours away, but this is now, and I love it. Of course it will slow me down, make me gassy and bloated and regretful of every delicious bite, but so what? I stick to my 90/10 life. Ninety percent of the time I do what I should, and ten percent of the time I do what I want. So, a word to the wise—find balance and think before you eat.

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