My inspiration was the 2009 New York Triathlon. All those people doing the unthinkable—specifically, jumping into the Hudson River. It just grossed me out. That water must be super toxic; I expected to find them glowing as they emerged from their swim.

Instead, I saw myself. Not then, not now, but soon. And I started thinking...

You see, I am not an athlete. Never have been. Most of my adult life I have been five or ten pounds away from the perfect weight. Two pregnancies sixteen months apart did not make matters any better. Hey, I love my little guys and treasure all the gifts they bestow upon me. Do I love what bringing them into the world did to my body? No, I do not!

So, I am keeping a journal of my adventure and sharing all that I learn along the way. Hey, I can even contribute some useful information. You see, I am a health coach. I already know some stuff...

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

So, the holidays are done, and I am back in New York. I am happy to report that my running and spinning went well — mostly because of That's where my training log lives and where I get my inspiration to keep going. Some of the runners on there are covering as much as 20 miles a day, so the dinky little pathetic two-mile runs I've been posting suddenly don't seem all that impressive anymore. So, I am now pushing myself harder. Yeah, yeah — chalk it up to my super-competitive personality or low self-esteem... whatever. All I can say is that I ran 10K while I was in Florida, which is a lot for me. All so I could brag about it on Strands!

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